Clinical Chemistry

Reagenets Name Pack Size Price
ALBUMIN 2x250 ml Knock us for the Price
ALBUMIN 2x50 ml Knock us for the Price
TOTAL BILIRUBIN DMSO 2x150 ml Knock us for the Price
TOTAL & DIRECT BILIRUBIN DMSO 2x150 ml Knock us for the Price
ALBCREATININE KINECTIC JAFFE UMIN 2x150 ml Knock us for the Price
CREATININE KINECTIC JAFFE 2x250 ml Knock us for the Price
GLUCOSE PAP 4x250 ml Knock us for the Price
GLUCOSE PAP LIQUID MONO 1x1000 ml Knock us for the Price
HAEMOGLOBIN (Reagent concentrated 50x) 4x5 ml Knock us for the Price
HAEMOGLOBIN with standard 4x50 ml Knock us for the Price
TOTAL PROTEIN 2x50 ml Knock us for the Price
TOTAL PROTEIN 2x250 ml Knock us for the Price
TOTAL PROTEIN(URINE&CSF) 2x50 ml Knock us for the Price
UREA UV.GLDH 10x50 ml Knock us for the Price
UREA 37° 2x100 ml Knock us for the Price
UREA 37° 2x250 ml Knock us for the Price
URIC ACID LIQUID TWO REAGENTS 2x50 ml Knock us for the Price
ALCALCIUM OCC. V/V BUMIN 2x150 ml Knock us for the Price
TIBC 100 Test Knock us for the Price
IRON FERROZINE 4x50 ml Knock us for the Price
MAGNESIUM/MAGESIO 2x150 ml Knock us for the Price
PHOSPHORUS UV. 2x150 ml Knock us for the Price
POTASSIUM TBP-Na w/percipitation 2x50 ml Knock us for the Price
SODIUM Mg-Uranlycetate w/percipitation 5x10 ml Knock us for the Price
CHOLESTEROL CHOD-PAP 10x20 ml Knock us for the Price
CHOLESTEROL CHOD-PAP 4x125 ml Knock us for the Price
CHOLESTEROL LIQUID MONO 2x100 ml Knock us for the Price
HDL CHOLESTEROL DIRECT 30 ml+20ml+calib Knock us for the Price
LDL CHOLESTEROL DIRECT 1x30/1x10m.+calib Knock us for the Price
TRIGLYCERIDES GPO-PAP 10x20 ml Knock us for the Price
TRIGLYCERIDES GPO-PAP 10x50 ml Knock us for the Price
TRIGYCERIDES LIQUID MONO 1x100 ml Knock us for the Price
ACID PHOSPHATASE 18x2 ml Knock us for the Price
ACID PHOSPHATASE 20x3 ml Knock us for the Price
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE Two reagents 1x60/1x15 ml Knock us for the Price
AMYLASE MONO 20x2 ml Knock us for the Price
GPT/ALT IFCC 20x2 ml Knock us for the Price
GPT/ALT IFCC 10x15 ml Knock us for the Price
GPT/ALT UV/IFCC Two-Reagent 60 ml+15 ml Knock us for the Price
GPT/ALT UV/IFCC Two-Reagent 240 ml+60 ml Knock us for the Price
GOT/AST IFCC 20x2 ml Knock us for the Price
GOT/AST IFCC 10x15 ml Knock us for the Price
GOT/AST UV/IFCC Two-Reagent 50 ml+15 ml Knock us for the Price
CK-NAC 20x2.5 ml Knock us for the Price
CK-NAC Two Reagent 60 ml+15 ml Knock us for the Price
CK-MB 19x2.5 ml Knock us for the Price
CK-MB Two Reagent 19x2.5 ml Knock us for the Price
LDH 20x3 ml. Knock us for the Price
LDH Two-Reagent 60 ml +15 ml Knock us for the Price
LIPASA Two-Reagent 4x10 ml/1x8 Knock us for the Price
SPINTROL "H" CALIBRATOR(human) 10x3 ml Knock us for the Price
SPINTROL "H" NORMAL (human) 4x5 ml. Knock us for the Price
SPINTROL "H" PATALOGYCAL(human) 4x5 ml. Knock us for the Price